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Traditional Time signalling

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Make your schedule work with signalling.
We use a lot of time signalling, also called school bell, in education. Buildings are provided with loudspeakers or ring units, possibly supplemented with light signalling. At predetermined times, a message or ring signal is played so that the students know when class time has ended or starts. In addition to lesson signs for schools, this can also be used for alarms or working hours in companies.

Solution for time signalling

A basic clock and loudspeakers are required for a basic time signalling system. Tau offers different master clocks, each with their own functions and possibilities. Loudspeakers are also available in various shapes and sizes. For example, there are DHF wireless or IP addressable loudspeakers, surface-mounted and built-in variants, and loudspeakers are supplied for use inside or outdoors. It is also possible to connect the system with an audio installation.

Create a complete time signalling system

Tau offers everything needed to realize an entire time distribution network. For example, solutions for expansion are offered for, for example, broadcasters, relay switching and background music. Tau’s products for time signalling can also be used to make every situation safe, such as a complete lockdown when a panic button is pressed or a full opening when a fire alarm is triggered. The Tau portfolio offers all kinds of microphones, flashes, sirens and accessories to set up a completely suitable time distribution network for any situation.

High time for Tau!

Need help finding the right bell systems and pause, lesson time signalling? Tau has an enthusiastic team of audio specialists. Contact us via contact form or +31 50 549 9090.

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