The United Kingdom left Europe on 31 January 2020. For the year 2020, a transitional arrangement applied, which meant that virtually nothing changed for citizens and businesses during this period. However, this scheme will no longer apply from 1 January 2021. And its still unclear what exactly the new rules will be.
What does this mean for our customers and Tau Audio Solutions
Some of our brands are located in the UK. These include the brands Baldwin Boxall, Contacta, Clockaudio and OHM UK. Due to the Brexit, customs checks with associated border formalities will be reintroduced when importing these products. This new situation will create a lot of uncertainty, it is expected that there will be many delays in shipments from the United Kingdom. At Tau Audio Solutions, we anticipate this by replenishing stocks as much as possible before the end of the year. As a result, we expect to offer our customers the same good service as we always do.
Will you help us?
Do you already have orders with us for products from one of these brands (Baldwin Boxall, Contacta, Clockaudio and OHM UK), and which must be delivered in the first months of 2021? Then we kindly request you to place the orders with us on time. Even if you do not know the exact date, we would like to hear about the required products and quantities. This ensures that we can achieve the delivery times you want and keep the stock levels continuously up to date for any faster deliveries.
More information?
We would like to inform you as well as possible. If you have any questions or comments, we would of course like to hear from you.
You can call us on +31 50 549 90 90 or send an email to sa***@ta*.nl.
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