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High quality audio installation breathes life into the glad tidings of beer

banner Muziekinstallatie in bierbrouwerij Stanislaus Brewskovitch

Individual zones in brewpub Stanislaus Brewskovitch

Catering establishments can consist of individual spaces, all of which have to be provided with music. All these different spaces have their own wishes and demands. Stanislaus Brewskovitch, for example, contains a lounge area, a gallery and an upper floor which needed background music. At the bar and the visitors space next to the brew kettles, this music may be turned up at times. addition, this brewpub also needed a separate audio solution for live music on the stage.

Furnishing the audio installation

For the background music, two different sizes surface mount loudspeakers of Bosch have been installed by our installation partner Vibeon. A music computer provides the music for both loudspeaker zones. For complete control over the configuration and signal processing of the audio installation, an Ashly mixer amplifier and a t&mSystems power amplifier are applied. For the live sound installation, heavier loudspeakers have been installed, with a wattage of 350. These surface mount loudspeakers are separately powered by a 600 Watts power amplifier of Ashly. An Ashly mixing desk has also been implemented in the installation, into which musicians and music bands can plug their equipment or own mixing desk, if needed. Behind the bar full control is retained, using a simple wall control panel of Ashly. The amplifiers are concealed neatly in a T-racks wall mounted rack.

Every project deserves a fitting audio solution

Tau has an enthusiastic team of audio specialists, who are happy to help selecting the right product mix. They can also help with the design and installation of the project, to ensure a fitting solution. In Tau’s showroom, the possibilities and quality of Ashly, Bosch, t&mSystems and T-racks can be experienced. In addition, Tau has almost all products of Ashly, Bosch, t&mSystems and T-racks and the other brands from its portfolio in stock, to quickly provide projects with the products needed. Also looking for an appealing audio solution? Or do you have a project that you would like to be carried out by one of the Tau dealers? Get in touch via contact form or +31 50 549 9090.

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