Home » Services
  • Assembly

    We offer the possibility to assemble the purchases products in our 19″ racks.

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  • Pre-commissioning test

    To make sure you order and install the right equipment in a project for induction loop you can ask Tau Audio Solutions to perform a pre-commissioning test.

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  • STI Measurements

    Measuring the Speech intelligibility is really important when using for example a voice alarm system or Sound Masking. Ask Tau Audio Solutions about the possibilities.

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  • Commissioning on site

    Save time and let Tau Audio Solutions do the commissioning of the equipment on site. Contact us for the possibilities.

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  • Training sessions

    Tau Audio Solutions offers sales- and technical training sessions about our products. Sessions can be on-site or at our showroom.

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  • Maintenance and service

    Tau Audio Solutions offers maintenance contracts for sound, evacuation and public address installations, intercom, induction and Sound Masking systems e.g.

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