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Audio installations for the office

Increase productivity? Create a pleasant working atmosphere in the workplace? Background music is one of the most important factors here; it contributes to a better, more effective and efficient working environment. Razor-sharp sound during presentations, meetings and meetings ensures that everyone is well aware of the business process in the organisation. Create a nice, dynamic music climate in your company for all your employees.

Every room its own sound

Offices often consist of several and different spaces, for example a canteen, a reception with waiting area, parking spaces and other outside areas. And of course also the office, meeting, training and smoking areas. With a multi-zone audio installation, a different music source can be played in each room or department, at its own volume. This way, you ensure uniform coverage and perfect intelligibility for all employees at the workplaces. Within office spaces, for example, a calm, subtle volume of music is desired, so that (telephone) conversations are not hindered. Or in a canteen, intended for relaxation, the volume can be somewhat higher, for instance. Do you also want to ensure that privacy is guaranteed in meeting rooms and that conversations cannot be heard from outside? Use a Sound Masking system, in combination with background music, if desired. The central control can be safely stored in a rack, so there is no unauthorised access to the equipment. This way you keep the control over all zones in your own hands. If several people are operating the system, the installation can be supplemented with user-friendly wall control panels in different rooms.

Tailored solutions

Each project or office building is different, so Tau offers customised solutions. Tau’s solutions are unique and tailored to the relevant project and budget. If desired, the audio equipment can be adjusted to the interior. Tau helps with setting up the design to help with commissioning on site. Thanks to years of experience and a high-quality product portfolio, we offer the best solutions for audio installations for in and around the office.

The following solutions can be applied, among others:

  • Surface mounted, built-in and special loudspeakers
  • IP audio systems (like IP, DANTE and AES67)
  • Wireless sound
  • Public address systems
  • Evacuation systems
  • Background music
  • Foreground music
  • Audio during presentations
  • Meeting and discussion systems
  • Induction loop systems for hearing aid users
  • Microphone systems
  • Perfect sound for vide conference
  • Intercom systems
  • Sound Masking

Every industry deserves a suitable sound system

Tau Audio Solutions BV has been a successful wholesaler and supplier of audio and communication systems for over 25 years. Tau has an enthusiastic team of experienced audio specialists who are happy to advise you and find the right solution together. In addition, Tau has virtually all products in our portfolio in stock, to quickly provide in projects. Tau is specialised in supplying and designing:

  • Induction loop systems for hearing aid users
  • Public address systems, audio installations for background and foreground music
  • Time signalling systems
  • Evacuation systems, class A spoken word
  • Clocks and scoreboards
  • Microphone systems and playback equipment
  • 19 “racks and accessories
  • Tour guide systems

Want to know more?

Our specialists are ready for you and are happy to advise you. Please call us on +31 (0) 50 549 90 90 or fill out our contact form.

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