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Producing sound without disturbing the surroundings

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SoundTube in nature park Zwin

Nature parks and other, similar locations want to be able to provide their visitors with information through sound reproduction.  In these situations it is of great importance that the surroundings aren’t disturbed too much. Sound that’s projected straight downward, offers the solution here. Installation partner Ocular placed the SoundTube FP6030-II in the Belgian nature park Zwin to achieve this. These focus loudspeakers, also called sound showers, target sound at a specific spot. The intelligibility is excellent for the person standing underneath the transparent dome. The loudspeakers don´t cause interference between each other and also preserve the peace in the natural surroundings.

Interactive show in the international airport for birds

A further possibility is to combine the loudspeakers with informative screens. In nature park Zwin, nature and its residents take the centre stage. Ocular designed a touch application, allowing the visitors of the nature park to listen to sounds from the various bird species that live in the area. This is how Ocular, in collaboration with Tau, created an interactive, educational experience for the public, near the visitor centre of the park.

Every project deserves a fitting audio solution

Tau has an enthusiastic team of audio specialists, who are happy to help you select the right product mix. They can also help with the design and installation of the project, to ensure a fitting solution. In Tau’s showroom the possibilities and sound quality of the focus loudspeakers and other audio equipment van be experienced. n addition, Tau has almost all SoundTube products in stock, as well as the other brands from its portfolio, to quickly provide you with the products you need for your project. Also looking for an appealing audio solution? Get in touch via contact form or 050 549 9090.

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