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Imaginative audio solution in museums

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Audio is indispensable from museums. The museum visit stands and falls with creating the perfect experience for visitors. In many situations an audio installation is necessary to tell the complete story. It can be used to provide spoken information about a work of art, to provide foreground music to accompany a performance by an artist, or to add extra atmosphere to an art collection through background music. But how do you realise a good looking audio solution for an environment where people generally prefer not to have loudspeakers, cables and other equipment visible in order to retain the characteristic appearance of the interior?

SolidDrive – the inconspicuous museum solution

The SolidDrive SD series offers the ideal solution here! The series consists of transducers that transform any solid surface into a sound source. The revolutionary product is easy to install directly behind or on the desired surface, without loudspeaker, grill and visible wires. As a result, the transducer fits seamlessly into any decor, and there is no need to think about matching the appearance to the existing interior. The SD transducer thus offers a true experience that fits perfectly in museums of all kinds. SolidDrive is specifically designed for drywall, glass and wood, but can also be used on ceramics, metal, granites, laminate, composites, fiberglass and acrylic. This means that this invisible audio product can be installed on walls, windows, ceilings, floors and on furniture. For example, SolidDrive can be concealed invisibly in an interactive information column, behind a wall or in a unique mobile (audio) installation. That way you can produce sound wherever you want, without using visible sound components.

How does the SolidDrive museum application work?

The powerful internal motor works with magnets to convert audio signals into powerful vibrations, like a guitar string, and then uses the surface as a sound box to produce a large and dynamic sound field. The entire surface vibrates, producing a high-quality, clear, full-range sound that radiates from the entire surface. This sound is distributed evenly everywhere, resulting in a balanced, wide, uniform sound field. The object on which the SolidDrive is placed, becomes a loudspeaker itself. Since the SolidDrive moves the surface only at about 0.006 inch, even at maximum output, the surface in question is not damaged. The transducer itself is designed in such a way that all components, without maintenance, can withstand prolonged vibrations. SolidDrive does not require any special equipment to function; the transducer can be connected to any conventional amplifier or receiver using a standard loudspeaker cable. Therefore, existing wiring can be used and the feeding and equalizing can take place with the help of the equipment that you already own. Despite the small size of the transducer and thanks to the 120˚ ultra-wide coverage angle and the resonance over a large area, SolidDrive ensures remarkably even sound coverage throughout the space. The loss of volume over distance is even about 35% less than with conventional loudspeakers.

A suitable solution for every museum and exhibition

Tau Audio Solutions BV has been a successful wholesaler and supplier of audio and communication systems for more than twenty years. Tau has an enthusiastic team of experienced audio specialists who are happy to advise you and look for the right audio solution together. The various SolidDrive transducers of course do offer fantastic possibilities, but we can also advise you on a different set-up, tailor-made based on the concerning project and corresponding budget. In tailor-made solutions, we can of course match the audio equipment to the interior. In addition, we have virtually all products in our portfolio in stock, so that we can quickly provide projects with all required audio devices. Need advice while purchasing or installing the right audio setup? Or do you, as an end user, want an installation carried out by our dealers? Tau has an enthusiastic team of audio specialists, they are happy to help with advice and answer questions. Contact us via contact form or +31 (0)50 549 90 90.

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