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Every place of worship its own sound

Nowadays it is increasingly important that a place of worship is provided with good quality audio. Not only must the preacher be equally intelligible everywhere, acoustic and electric instruments are also played and people may sing  a cappella. This makes speech intelligibility just as important as music reproduction for live music, for example.

Often, there are also performances of bands and choirs and there can be other special occasions, such as weddings. Due to the multifunctional nature of these often beautiful buildings, the audio installations must also be multifunctional. Every application brings its own specific audio requirements. In a mosque, for example, a multi-zone audio installation is often needed to provide sound for both the male and female sections, and the sound must also be clearly understood both while standing and when kneeling. Numerous possibilities for automatic switching and solutions for hearing aid users, for example, can make the systems extra functional and complete. With over 20 years of experience, Tau’s specialists have a great deal of experience in designing and supplying sound equipment for religion.

Tailored solutions for religion

No two places of worship are the same. That is why every audio solution is unique and tailored to the wishes that suit the application. Not only are customised solutions tailored to the available budget, but there are also possibilities to incorporate the audio installation in the interior.

The following solutions can be applied, among others:

  • Pulpit, ceiling, singing or wireless microphones
  • Boundary or gooseneck microphones
  • Surface mounted, built-in, column or pendulum loudspeakers
  • Recording devices
  • Multifunctional installations
  • Multi-zone audio installation
  • Audio installations for foreground music
  • Church radio / streaming audio
  • Induction loop systems for hearing aid users

Every industry deserves a suitable sound system

Tau Audio Solutions BV has been a successful wholesaler and supplier of audio and communication systems for over 25 years. Tau has an enthusiastic team of experienced audio specialists who are happy to advise you and find the right solution together. In addition, Tau has virtually all products in our portfolio in stock, to quickly provide in projects. Tau is specialised in supplying and designing:

  • Induction loop systems for hearing aid users
  • Public address systems, audio installations for background and foreground music
  • Time signalling systems
  • Evacuation systems, class A spoken word
  • Clocks and scoreboards
  • Microphone systems and playback equipment
  • 19 “racks and accessories
  • Tour guide systems

Want to know more?

Our specialists are ready for you and are happy to advise you. Please call us on +31 50 549 90 90 or fill out our contact form.

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